The Hosts for February are shown in bold below. Hosts: please contact your party soon to find a compatible date. Once you have a date, please set a restaurant and time. Fellow diners: please give your host as many dates as possible when you respond to their request for available dates. Please be flexible, especially during the winter. Dinner Dine Around seems to work the best, but some hosts have found that brunch works well for their parties.
Marks, Canger, Svagdis
Morell, Miller, Renner
Rhoades, Johnson, Kelly
Levy, Daniels, Scott/Davison
Hinkle, Spada, Stone
Henry, Stauts, Rydel/Glanz
Henn, Cody/Skinner, Vece
Haggadone, Robinson, Bob/Joan Patrick
Haase, Anderson, McAllister
Davenport, Mueller, Eichhorn
Cynewski, Doherty, Harless
Bierma, Benson, Farineau, Sam/Barbara Patrick